Transparentize Command
Syntax: transparentize Applies to global
The transparentize command makes the current paint selection on a card, background, or bitmap transparent.
The following results in a transparent bitmap.
Create a button on an empty card and type the following into the button's script:
on mouseUp
create bmp 1
show bmp 1
--choose a PICT file with some white in --it to be mypict
import "hd:picture:mypict" into bmp 1 set the style of bmp 1 to transparent select bmp 1
choose select tool
put the topleft of bmp 1 into begindrag put the bottomright of bmp 1 into enddrag drag from begindrag to enddrag transparentize
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.