
Seek Command


seek <movie | path | sound> to <number> Applies to movies, paths, sounds


For paths, the seek command moves the animation to the unit specified by <number>. <number> is relative to the playStart property, and can't be greater than playDuration. For sounds, the seek command repositions the sound to a specified position relative to playStart. <number> is expressed in units, and can't be greater than playDuration. For movies, the seek command repositions the sound and animation to a specified position relative to playStart. <number> is expressed in units, and can't be greater than playDuration.


If you use the seek command while the path is not animating, the object will move to the position specified by the seek command. If you then execute an animate along command, the object will begin animating from the beginning of the path, not from the seek position that you specified.


on mouseUp prepare mov 1 play mov 1 end mouseUp Create another button 'Seek" and type the following into the script: on mouseUp set the units of mov 1 to seconds seek mov 1 to 20 end mouseUp Now, click on the "Play" button to start the movie. As soon as the movie begins, you can click on the "Seek" button to reposition the sound and animation to 20 seconds into the movie.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.