
PlayStopped Message


on playStopped
end playStopped Sent to movies, paths, sounds


The playStopped message is sent to the movie object when the movie finishes playing, or when a user stops a movie by selecting the "Stop" button on the control bar. This message is not sent when a movie is stopped through a script. The playStopped message is sent to the path object when the animation finishes playing. This message is not sent if playForever is set to true, or if the animation is stopped using the stop command. The playStopped message is sent to the sound object when the sound file finishes playing. It is only sent when a sound file completes playing normally, or when you terminate the sound using the endPlay command. The message is not sent if the sound file is stopped with the stop command
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.