Messages Property
set the messages of <movie | path | sound |
timer> to "<number>,<string>" [& return &
"<number>,<string>" [...]]
Applies to movies, paths, sounds, timers
The messages property specifies a list of callbacks or user-defined messages that will be delivered during the playback
of a movie, path, or sound. <number> is expressed in the current units, is relative to the object's playStart property, and can be any value between 0 and the object's playDuration. <string> can be no more than fifteen characters, and cannot have spaces.
For timers, the messages property lets you specify the time interval(s) at which a timer goes off, and the corresponding message(s) sent at each time. The settings for this property are overridden if you start the timer in single fire mode (by specifying the expire option when starting the timer).
You must list the time intervals in ascending order.
Any messages that are specified in the messages property will fire synchronously. This means that they will not interrupt other handlers that your application is executing at the time.
Each time interval and message pair must be enclosed in quotes, and must be delimited by line returns as shown in the example.
For sounds, be careful about setting the messages property to unexpected values. If there is not a sound file associated with your sound object, you can still modify messages if the units property is set to milliseconds, ticks, or seconds. If the units property is set to samples, however, then you should not attempt to get or set the messages property. If you try to get or set messages in this situation while working in the authoring environment of Oracle Media Objects, then you will get an error message. If you attempt to modify messages under these circumstances while working in the runtime player, the default rate of 22KHz will be used to calculate the value of messages.
4500, myMessage2"
The following handler sets the timer TimeAttack to expire at 1, 2, and 3 seconds with the Attack1, Attack2, and Attack3 messages, respectively.
on openCard
"180, Attack3"
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.