
Hilite Property


set the hilite of <button | shape |
[row <number> of] pickList | [row <number> of] dataSheet> to <boolean> Applies to bitmaps,


The hilite property determines whether a button or shape, or a particular row of a picklist or dataSheet is highlighted (is displayed in inverse video), or shows another visual effect when clicked. The hilite property has the following effects on the different styles of buttons: When a shape object's hilite property is true, its background and foreground colors are reversed, regardless of the style attributes. Note that the hilite property turns on only if the autoHilite property is true. When a shape object's hilite property is true, its background and foreground colors are reversed, regardless of the style attributes. Note that the hilite property turns on only if the autoHilite property is true.


Do not confuse the autoHilite property with the hilite property. The hilite property determines whether or not a button, shape, pickList, or dataSheet is highlighted, while the autoHilite property determines whether or not the hilite property will turn on when a user clicks the object.


To view the visual effects of the hilite property on a button, create a button and name it "test". Type the following messages in the Message Box and press Enter after each: set hilite of button "test" to true
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.