Hilite Command
hilite <button> | <shape> | bitmap |
[row <number> of] {<pickList> | <dataSheet>}
bitmap |
Applies to bitmaps,
Create two buttons, "b1" and "b2". Set their autoHilite property to false and their style property to gray. Add the following handler to "b1":
on mouseUp
hilite me
unhilite button "b2"
end mouseUp
Add the following handler to "b2":
on mouseUp
hilite me
unhilite button "b1"
end mouseUp
Whenever one button is clicked, it is highlighted and the other button is unhighlighted. To highlight a row of a pickList, use a command such as:
hilite row 1 of lst 1
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.